Google Once Said, “Don’t Be Evil”. Sadly in 2020, They Were.

The ugly business tactics adopted by Google during 2020

Anupam Chugh
Big Tech Talks


Photo by Jonah Pettrich on Unsplash

Google has had a rollercoaster ride in 2020. They’ve had a lot of ups and downs and besides the usual killing of their own products, the search engine giant found themselves in the midst of the biggest anti-trust lawsuit of the decade this year.

Though their 8 billion dollar deal to stay as the default search engine on Apple devices had become the cusp of the DOJ hearing, yet Google played plenty more shrewd business strategies over the course of 2020 just to stay relevant.

For those unfamiliar, Google once had a motto: “Don’t be evil”. There’s little doubt that Google used that slogan as a jibe at its rival who were increasingly exploiting their customers while the tech giant was developing trust through its free products and services.

Ironically today, Google has become the very thing it once swore to destroy.

So, just like Google’s Search and Map apps gives us an annual recap of everything trendy we searched and places we’ve traveled to, it’s time we do Google’s own Year-In-Review by digging through the shady business practices the technology giant adopted in 2020.



Anupam Chugh
Big Tech Talks

iOS and Android Developer. Online Writer. Editor @BttrProgramming. Marketer. Wannabe Filmmaker, and a Funny Human bot!