21 training days — week 3

Published in
5 min readMay 27, 2018

Eventfull start of the season…

We did it! The final week of our “21 training days“ project is behind us, and we can proudly say that the project was a success. After 21 days of experiencing a full BIG BERRY lifestyle, with all its perks, we are truly feeling the spirit and the meaning behind this wonderful and definitely unusual story. And once you get into it, it is really hard to get it out of your heart and mind. Our little, but strong team is fighting every day in order to make this story grow and spread around the globe. Take a peek into our final part of training and see what has been going on in our little berry world!

It’s all about the events

Events events, events…. So many of them and so little time! Ever since the opening on 28th of April, events just kept on going. And still, there is so much more we want to do. Starting from BB Mastermind and BB Chef happening on a weekly basis, to the evening networking BBQs with BB designers and various partners events. One of our most exciting happenings in the last weeks was a reunion with Olympic Committee of Slovenia, just 3 months after the closing of Winter Olympic Games in South Korea! That’s right, BIG BERRY hosted a picnic for members of the Committee and their partners. It was a very first Olympicnic, where we gathered together over a BBQ, prepared by our BB Chef Janko. We event had a package of Korean food, arriving directly from Korea, to revive a real feeling of our Olympic adventure. Overall, it was a gathering in a sign of sports, which we affirmed with the sports activities, including canoeing, beach volleyball and badminton. BB partner Kreal made sure everyone was entertained, by installing an interactive outdoor equipment, combining activity, game and competition. We are gladly awaiting for the next chance to reunite and have another event worth mentioning.

BIG BERRY opening event
bbq wine
Networking events at the BBQ house
Olympic Kreal
Olympicnic with Olympic Committee of Slovenia

The local touch — partnering up

Connection between BIG BERRY and its partners is already well known. Building a strong relationships for already third year in a row is a good sign of its importance. We couldn’t wait to finally start with the visits to our partners, in order to learn more behind their business and see how they do it, try the products and share stories. We had a chance to welcome our first bloggers this season, to show them around, introduce them to the local lifestyle and show them the hidden gems of Bela Krajina. The best way to do it was to visit our partners, local producers. In just one week we have experienced picking strawberries at Kmetija Pavlovič, making pogača at Domačija Šrajf, enjoying local food with Kmetija Župančič and Gostišče Veselič and tasting Semiška Penina in Simonič wine cellar, oils at Oljarna Pečarič, homemade rakija at Domačija Kuzma and delicious Tik-Tak ice cream. Slowly, we are adjusting to hedonistic season ahead of us, and we seemed to be really good at it.

kmetija pavlovic
Strawberry picking and raspberry wine tastig at Kmetija Pavlovič
oljarna BB
Oil tasting at Oljarna Pečarič
oljarna pecaric
Semiška Penina — sparkling wine degustation
All those colors — Tik-Tak ice cream sensation

BB sports — team activities

This year is in BIG BERRY will certainly be marked with sports activities. Starting the year with Winter Olympics, we are continuing with the same sporty enthusiasm. Having the competitive spirit makes, our team is very keen on organising sports competitions. Our first team building activity was a canoe race on Kolpa river. Dividing in two canoes, the teams had to paddle from Slovenia to Croatia and back. It was a true international experience, starting the race in Slovenia, visiting Croatia and having 6 team members from France, Turkey and Croatia. Is there a better way to do a team building than combining nature and activities with a great crew?

canoe race

3 days after, BB partner Kolpa Adventures has organised a traditional walk to the southernmost point of Slovenia, which was held for 23rd year in a row, and it became a part of tradition that is visited by the people from the whole region. Another day spent in nature, discovering Bela Krajina and its beauties by walking 10 kilometres, following the flow of Kolpa river. Along the way, we visited cave Kobiljača, drank the water from a spring and enjoyed sharing stories with the locals. And what was the best part of it? We did it barefoot! Just another example that we can’t do anything in a “normal“ way. Feeling the ground underneath our feet, made us experience the nature to the fullest. Tired, with dirty feet but happy, we arrived to back to Kolpa Adventures camp, where people gathered over a lunch and traditional music. Another great day was crossed from our “to do“ list.

kolpa adventures
BB team on the traditional hike

Keep on following BB adventures on the Website and Social Media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

