Are you ready for a challenge?

Published in
5 min readJul 30, 2018

It’s time for BIG BERRY triple challenge…

Many eventful days are behind us, full of activities and adventures. Hosting travel bloggers in BIG BERRY is one of our favourite things to do, because it gives us all the freedom to show the best of Bela krajina, justify its title of being a hidden gem of Slovenia and provide them with the full experience. We also get to share different stories with people who have travelled all around the globe and visited every corner of the world, and that’s quite priceless.

Having local producers as partners is a priceless value that gives opportunity to experience a place to the fullest and get to know the customs and culture of living, which is the main reason why this place is so much more than just accommodation or a typical touristic destination.

In order to make the experience of a stay even more authentic, educational and of course fun, we decided to spice up the things and put a little twist on the regular activities. That’s when BIG BERRY triple challenge was created, which main aim is to present the 3 pillars of the company, FEEL, JOIN and CREATE through the tasks connected to experience, partners and concept of the company. The goal is to finally collect the total of 3 wax stamps in order to finish the triple challenge. After completing each challenge, the wax stamp would be given on the special paper, as a confirmation of completion.


Together with Roshni from The wanderlust within, Sarah and Jan from Travel with me, Prerna and Harsh from Wanderers Hub we managed to complete the total of 8 challenges! Wondering how it went? Check out the fun challenges that you can also participate in while staying at BIG BERRY.

1. Create a traditional belokranjska pogača

This challenge involves some kneading and baking skills. So, if you ever spend some time with your grandma making bread or cookies, you would rock this challenge with an ease! For all the others, thanks to the superb skills and guidance of Sonja Škof from Domačija Šrajf, this may easily become one of your favourite kitchen activities, right after eating.


2. Guess the herbs

This challenge was only for the braves. Wonder why? It involves homemade rakija from Domačija Kuzma and guessing at least 4 out of 7 different herbs hiding inside of this authentic Slovenian drink. Would you give it a go?


3. Are you balanced enough?

Kolpa River + Kolpa Adventures paddle boards = fun times! Try standing on the paddling board for at least 30 seconds with a partner, while shaking the board with your feet. After that, you are ready to try some yoga poses on the sup and also finding the inner balance somewhere on the way.


4. Taste the oils

Oljarna Pečarič is already well known for its incredibly multipurpose, beneficial and tasty cold-pressed oils. After trying around 20 different oils, the challenge was to memorize at least 5 tastes and their health benefits. Who would say that oils are meant to be used in so many different ways?


5. Create an egg art in traditional way

Bela krajina has a specific way of decorating eggs, also known as “pisanice“. At Domača obrt Cvitkovič the eggs are being painted in traditional way, using beeswax on a blown egg and colouring it in red and black. It might not seem challenging, but without a skilful pair of hands, this can easily be turned into a big mess rather than a piece of art.

egg p

6. Join the partners

It seems like for BIG BERRY is not only enough to collaborate with partners, but we wanted to make another step and start connecting partners and to encourage mutual cooperation, which created a great opportunity for another challenge. Try guessing the taste of a new berrylicious product, created in combination with Zlati Ghee and Kmetija Pavlovič?

kmetija pavlovič

7. Feel the cool flavours

Wine degustations are just fine, but what about ice cream tasting? Trying out more than 5 different Tik Tak ice cream flavours and guessing the secret ingredients in each and every one them could easily become a favourite challenge for all the sweet tooth out there.


8. Create a mess!

Secretly, we all like to create a bit of a mess every once in a while. That’s why the challenge of opening a bottle of Semiška Penina sparkling wine with a saber is something all mess creators will enjoy. We couldn’t think of a cooler way to open a wine bottle even if we tried.


Although all the challenges are fun enjoyable, the feeling of accomplishment and excitement after successfully passing all of them is still priceless!


Feeling challenged enough? Stay tuned, because new ones are on the way and coming soon :)

