Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2016


New Friends and Lots of Pogača Bread

Although Monday’s can always be a little tough, Ana got us excited by taking us to the cinema in Novo Mesto. It was quite a treat since none of us have had a chance to watch a new film in the cinema since we’d arrived at BIG BERRY camp. We enjoyed a glass of wine, bought some popcorn, some candy, and enjoyed a night of “Café Society”, directed by Woody Allen. We highly recommend that you go see it yourself!

To kick off the “Hands In Need” campaign, we decided to show some love to a couple of fur balls at our local dog shelter, Zavetišče Turk. The BB team, Ana, Kristina, Mollie, Monika, and Hakan each got a dog, some leashes, and we were on our way for a walk! Let me tell you, these dogs were a hand-full but a ton of fun. We got a little arm workout, lots of slobbery doggy kisses, and new furry friends. If you’re thinking about adding a new four-legged member to your family you can reach Zavetišče Turk at (07) 308 94 30, message them on Facebook, or just visit the shelter yourself.

On Friday the camp was full of young people from all over the world due to new members arriving from Youth Exchange project, in cooperation with BIT Mladinski center from Črnomelj. While we had to work, we got to see everyone having fun: playing volleyball, swimming in the Kolpa River, canoeing, and other games. But, don’t worry a couple of the people made sure to distract us a little and pull us in for the fun. They were kind enough to bring lunch for the whole camp. So, after enjoying some burgers, we all got a lesson in first-aid. Professionals came in a taught us how to save a drowning guest, CPR protocol, and how to bandage a burn. Feeling exceptionally capable — the day ended with one last dip in the river before the Youth Exchange members left camp.

Photo by Jakov Fir

Sadly, this was the last week of Crnfest 2016, and so we ended the week enjoying Slovenian rap and hip-hop. We combined forced with the members of the Youth Exchange Program and had a great time listening to the work of Klemen Klemen z gosti and Zlatko & Optimisti. While the concert was a symbol of summer starting to come to a close, we were excited to have this memory together and with new friends. Big round of applause for those that set up Crnfest 2016! It was a great couple of weeks with truly great entertainment.

On Saturday we rubbed the crusties from our eyes and left early for Aktivna kuhinja (or “Active kitchen” in English). It was organized as a part of Semiška ohcet festival in Semič and the first happening of its kind! Kitchen studio of DanKuchen brand organized the making of traditional bread — Belokranjska pogača — using all the kitchen supplies they produce. The workshop was led by an association of local woman, who hold a prestige honor of mastery in making Belokranjska pogača. Our guests — Guillem and Miriam from La maleta de casimir were thrilled to take part in it. Guillem, who was the main chef made his pogača just like the locals and proudly took it home with him. Afterwards we went to Krajinski park Kolpa where we enjoyed the sunny afternoon at the beach, followed by an interesting presentation of the family mill house by Urška.

Photo by

Well we just can’t get enough of pogača bread here at BIG BERRY camp, so on Sunday morning our ˝pogača lady˝, Mojca from Domače dobrote Mojca, prepared the grand breakfast for the whole team in her ˝kmetija˝.We enjoyed buckwheat along with some yummy salami and ham made by her family. She also presented the making of pogača, this time in the wood oven, in the same tradition it’s been done for centuries.

Keep track of all BIG BERRY adventures here & we’ll see you next week!

xoxo, BB

Written by Vita Polančec & Mollie Leal

