Triglav Experience: How to plan the PLAN B?

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4 min readAug 19, 2017

It has been said that a good plan is half of the work done. But after our Triglav experience, we came to a conclusion that whoever said that, has never climbed a bigger mountain.

Last week a part of our BB Team ­­­decided to make a trip to Triglav in order to conquer the highest mountain in Slovenia and the highest peak of Julian Alps.

The idea started by hearing some cool stories of the people that climbed some mountain here in Slovenia and of course we didn’t want to be the ones who will miss that part of experience. So our adventure began.

Since we are usually known as a spontaneous team who loves adventures, adrenaline and dealing with the problems on the spot, we were no different this time. So, our master plan was not to have a plan, but to flow and let it be. With just a pair of cozy shoes, some comfortable but not-mountain-suitable clothes and backpack filled with food.

We started our trip in the early morning…

After finally arriving at our starting point, with only one map in our hands, we started our 8-hour walk to the first destination, a cozy cottage in the heights of Triglav mountain.

Strolling through the beautiful paths in the forest, breathing the fresh air and trying to soak up everything that surrounds us was our only occupation at that moment.

While climbing higher towards the mountain, the views were becoming more extraordinary every moment. During our journey, we would meet other climbers while passing and we managed to notice that we were the only ones without any kind of equipment, like we were heading on a picnic in a park. That’s where our first concerns started, but we bravely continued our journey.

The path was becoming more steep by every step, but finally, after an 8-hour walk, we arrived to the cottage at the foot of the mountain, in the hope to settle down and sleep overnight, so we could continue our journey to the top the next day.

The moment we wanted to check in was when we found out that they are fully booked! In that situation we realized the importance of planning in advance and booking the accommodation. Since the second cottage was all the way on the other side of the mountain, it was quite of a challenge to survive a night anywhere outside of it, at the elevation of 2,401 meter, on the temperature of 7 degrees.

Anyway, since our will to climb the top next day was too strong, we decided to manage this situation, like all the other. We waited for the right moment to sneak into the bedroom and find our place somewhere on the comfortable wooden floor. Finally, we survived by the morning, skillfully sneaked out of the cottage, and continued our way to the top.

Although the last part of the climb was hard and challenging, we managed to reach the peak of Triglav and make that famous picture on the top.

Conclusion of the experience: the best way to plan the PLAN B is by making the plan A in the first place. Our plan B worked this time, mostly because our fierce will to climb the top, but it would be much less stressful if we were a bit more prepared.

In the end, we still prefer to follow the saying: “Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.”

Author: Iva Kopf, BIG BERRY Team

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