[Bitcoin Advertising] Clean Up & Quality Control

Daniel Bainbridge
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2018

In the last month has served over 2 BILLION impressions, and delivered 1.7 million clicks to (mostly crypto / ICO) clients.

We are one of the largest crypto ONLY based advertising networks, but it isn’t all positive stats…

MAJOR Revamp

We regularly check our publishers quality standards, and honestly we think we fell behind, so we have removed several publishers, whom, combined have sent us approximately 800,000,000 impressions over the last 30 days, approximately 35% of the network total.

The reasons for removing such publishers is that they’re either:

  • Not bitcoin/blockchain focused — away from our initial vision to be solely bitcoin focused websites we took in some regular $ incentive sites, but their audience just aren’t that hot towards cryptocurrency and it shows in the interest in our ads. Rather than go wider in terms of branching out into new niches we are refocusing on our core — ALL publisher websites on CoinAd MUST be bitcoin/blockchain focused.
  • Committing fraud, faking impressions / clicks, or very low quality sites — for example one publisher putting 5x of the same adsize on their site, another one having a mechanism where the first click on the website causes the page to refresh — so causing 2x as many impressions as there really is. This is extremely fraudulent and a disservice to our network and clients. We are usually very on top of this, this cleanup is long overdue.
  • Low performance. We can’t go into detail on this or publishers know what we look for and try and game our system and fraud us, like the above, but we have several other metrics and stats and standards that we expect publishers to meet, the tip of the iceberg being CTR rates on banners.

So a lot of publishers have been removed — 35% of our entire reach, but ,we believe this will only a small difference to the amount of traffic we will generate to clients this month— and bring better quality, better value traffic too.

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New to

CoinaAd is the world’s largest “micro” bitcoin/cryptocurrency focused advertising network.
We have more traffic than, and combined. We are THE go-to marketing, traffic generation and user onboarding specialists for blockchain startups and ICOs.

What do you mean“Micro”?

Our ads are displayed across ALL of the top “bitcoin incentive websites”; simple websites and games which actually give away bitcoin to the visitor. So our traffic is a lot of people just getting started in bitcoin and digital currencies, but they ALL have a bitcoin wallet as they receive bitcoin from our publishers, and they are VERY interested in investing — our biggest advertising clients and partners are ICOs or bitcoin casinos who measure their campaigns by repeat deposits and active participation.

If you are interested in advertising with us you can get started from just 0.01btc, or take a look at our brochure for some more stats and client case studies:

Finally — Here’s a 20% DISCOUNT CODE — (expires August 22nd): REVAMP20

p.s. If you want us to make your creatives and banners and want us to manage your campaigns and optimise (we see a lot of impressions, we are good at it ;)) then please contact Peter by skype from the brochure above — active management/optimisation is free on budgets of $10k+.



Daniel Bainbridge

Blockchain angel investor, evangelist, and marketing strategy.