Official release of Bigbom Marketplace (Alpha version)

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6 min readSep 12, 2018
Bigbom Marketplace Launched

September 12, 2018 witnesses the official launch of Bigbom Marketplace (Alpha version). As a component of Bigbom 3-legged base, Bigbom Marketplace is the starting point of our disruptive decentralized advertising ecosystem.

This article will contain a short introduction, some of the features, thorough guidelines and future progress for our global Bigbom users.

Bigbom Marketplace (Alpha version) introduction

In general, Bigbom Marketplace is a virtual hub where advertisers, publishers, agencies, and content providers come together to connect. Powered by Bigbom Contract and the BBO token, the Marketplace is an advertising economy that incentivizes high-quality services and job offers for advertisers and publishers. Just a friendly reminder of our mission from the day one, Bigbom ecosystem was born to deal with the current hardheaded problems of the online marketing world and trust issue is probably the most prominent one. Bigbom marketplace caters to ad service buyers and sellers in the best endeavor to help this industry erase trust issues.

Bigbom Marketplace starts with freelance experts in the advertising field. We are building a platform to offer decentralized freelancer listing service. Clients can easefully find high-quality experts within the digital advertising industry here. In this alpha version, we are just able to perform transactions on Ropsten test network (not Ethereum mainnet).

To cater to the distinctive characteristics of this “work from home” job, Bigbom Marketplace offers job bidding feature within a limited timeframe. It comes in the form of the desired award based on the job’s budget. Freelancers make a bid by choosing the award and due time (the bidding award must not be larger than the job’s budget and, of course, the job should be done no later than the project’s deadline). These bids are visible to every participant or viewer. The client will choose the bid he likes from the freelancer.

Initial features of Bigbom Marketplace

  • Job Listing
  • Job Bidding
  • Payment

Bigbom Marketplace guidelines in detail

Since payment will be done using BBO (Bigbom token), you are required to connect with the ERC20 wallets:
The platform is supported only by Metamask at this phase. Please connect your account with Metamask to do job listing. If you do not own one, read here for the simplest guidelines.

After connecting to Metamask, just follow steps by steps. Let’s walk through them

Bigbom Marketplace Manual

Once you have your MetaMask account running on Ropsten Test Network and at least 1 ETH in your account, go ahead and request some free BBO on this link.

Bigbom Marketplace Alpha Version runs on test network only

Or directly open this Bigbom Marketplace via this link and click “Get Free BBO”.

· Note: Remember to sign in first. Besides, you need to have at least 200000 BBO in your wallet to accept a freelancer’s bid for the job.

To add BBO token to your wallet, first select Menu.

Click Add token.

Switch to Custom token.

Then copy and paste BBO Token Address* to the box above.

(BBO Token Address*: 0x1d893910d30edc1281d97aecfe10aefeabe0c41b)

Token symbol: BBO

Click NEXT

Ta-da! Now you are all set to test all of the Bigbom Marketplace Alpha version features.

We will feature two functions in this phase: “Find a Freelancer” and “Find a Job”.

If your goal is finding a reliable outsource, press “Find a Freelancer” button.

Next, click Connect using MetaMask.

Then you will find a new window where you can input your job details.

Tip: Try to be as specific as possible, it will help to narrow down your list and find the best man for the job.

Once you’re done, click the blue button “Create Job”

Now your job is already up and running on Bigbom Marketplace, waiting for freelancers to bid on.

Switch to “Manage” to monitor your job

Here you have the options to “Accept” a freelancer or you can “Cancel” your job.

Remember that it’s required at least 200000 BBO in your wallet to accept a freelancer to do your job.

If your goal is to find a job via Bigbom, look to your upper right corner and click “Find a job”.

Choose the job that is best suited to you and bid on it by fill in your expected time to complete the job and the amount of BBO you wish to receive, it’s as simple as that.

Once you’re accepted to take on the job, switch to “My Bid”, it will display all your jobs with its latest status.

Go to the job in which you have been accepted by simply click on its title. The system will take you to a new window.

Here, select “Start Job” to start.

and “Complete” once you are done.

Now all you have to do is “Claim Payment” with a click.

Then your job is to wait for the BBO to be transferred to your wallet.

Note: In order to carry on to another step you have to confirm with MetaMask and wait for the system to respond.

After finishing the job, it’s payment time. BBO will be sent to freelancers’ wallet address and, normally, everything is done.

You are informed enough and it’s time to try it out! Simply give this link a click be the first to experience Bigbom Marketplace!

However, what if unwanted conflicts happen? Don’t worry, we are preparing for this scenario too.

Future development

To solve the mentioned problem, we will offer a dispute resolution service in the future. Bigbom team is working to finalize this function. Not only are we making progress on that next attribute, we are also working our heart out to launch other features listed in the roadmap on our Bigbom Website on time!

If you are stuck at some points, please email and address it clearly to

We are happy to collect them and continuously update the marketplace, making it flawless for us all!

Stay tuned for more future updates on Bigbom project.

Keep in touch with us through social media:

Telegram: (Announcements channels Global) (Community Global)





Bigbom is a decentralized advertising ecosystem, built on Ethereum and Tomochain .