Victor Asemota
BigChief’s Thoughts
Feb 22, 2022

Two’s Day

Tuesday 22nd February 2022

I am feeling lucky and I want to make a wish!

Someone mentioned something like “Make a wish, the universe will answer” and I thought for a moment about all that I wished for the most that was unselfish? What else beyond exceedingly long lives for my family, loved ones, and myself, filled with love, happiness, peace, and prosperity?

I paused and thought for a minute, I wished for the progress of Africa. I wished for peace and the elimination of wars and conflict. I wished for the prosperity of our nations and great leadership. I kept wishing and wishing for all good things and in the end, I realized that Africa was full of my loved ones.

I love Africa. I love you all.

Victor Asemota
BigChief’s Thoughts

I eat Nigerian Jollof and I write things. That is what I do. Chief Fanatic @ Manchester United FC.