BigCommerce Developer Blog to Feature All-Women Authored Posts in March

Lauren Clevenger
BigCommerce Developer Blog
2 min readMar 2, 2020

Last November, I remember seeing the news scroll across my Twitter feed. ShopTalk, one of the retail industry’s biggest and most influential conferences, announced they would feature an all-women speaker lineup in 2020. A bold move toward not just gender parity — but toward truly shifting the landscape and giving an often underrepresented group the chance the take the stage.

My colleagues and I at BigCommere were inspired by this exciting move. As Shoptalk mentioned, women are rising through the ranks in commerce and tech companies, yet there is still too little recognition and representation.

Is this all-female speaker approach extreme? Absolutely, but we think extreme problems require extreme solutions. Our goal has always been to drive the industry in the right direction, and we feel the time is long overdue for women to be leading the dialogue. — Zia Daniell Wigder, ShopTalk

Here at BigCommerce, we want to do our part to add to this movement and highlight women in our industry. Therefore, we have decided that the BigCommerce Developer Blog will feature all-women authored blog posts in the month of March. Why March? In the United States, March is Women’s History Month and March 8th is International Women’s Day. And last but not least, Shoptalk is on March 22–25th.

We are excited to feature the stories and advice of women in tech and ecommerce, including the women behind our amazing BigCommerce Partner agencies and companies. We’ll be sharing stories about mentorship, leadership, and how to start your career in tech. BigCommerce employees will share their best practices for code review, story mapping, and much more. We can’t wait to highlight the amazing women we get to work with every day in our industry, ecosystem, and at the BigCommerce offices.

We hope you read along with us and share these stories. Help us spread awareness and visibility while we celebrate women this month. Have an idea for a story or someone we should feature? Or maybe you want to give a shout-out to a woman that inspires you? Reach out and mention us on Twitter at @BigCommerceDevs.

