Cornerstone 2.0 is now available

Lauren Clevenger
BigCommerce Developer Blog
1 min readDec 19, 2018

Originally published at on May 29, 2018

We are excited to announce that Cornerstone 2.0 for BigCommerce is now available and comes with a series of changes to improve front-end performance, site speed, and SEO.

What is Cornerstone?

Cornerstone is the flagship base theme for developers, designed by BigCommerce, and available free to all stores on the platform. It is fully responsive and has built-in features to help you sell, like a homepage carousel (slideshow), social media icons, featured/top-selling/new product panels, and support for faceted search (product filtering).

Cornerstone incorporates the latest Stencil features and performance enhancements and has a simple and clean design that can be easily customized to match your business or brand using the Store Design theme editor or Stencil CLI.

What updates are available in Cornerstone 2.0?

Improvements to Cornerstone include:

  • Removing the Modernizer blocking script
  • Saving space for the carousel to improve speed
  • Adding DNS prefetch hints
  • Lazier image loading

Additional details about the changes made in Cornerstone 2.0, and benchmarking data on page speed improvements can be found on our Github pull request here.

