Introducing BigCommerce Next.js Sample App

Uwana Ikaiddi
BigCommerce Developer Blog
2 min readOct 8, 2021

Building ecommerce apps can be a challenging and time-consuming experience, especially if you haven’t developed one before. Without clear guidelines, it can be hard to determine the minimum requirements needed to get started, not to mention deciding what software and resources to use.

At BigCommerce, our goal is to empower the developer community by providing tools to make it easier to integrate with the platform. That is why, after evaluating the existing BigCommerce app ecosystem, we decided to revamp our sample app offerings. After months of hard work and intensive cross-functional collaboration, we are excited to announce the release of our new Next.js sample app.

Next.js Sample App

The Next.js sample app is a single-click app that lets you display a products list, modify individual product details, make API calls, and store app data in a database. It provides developers with a solid starting point and incorporates important app development concepts such as security and multi-user support.

The app is built using JavaScript programming language, Node.js runtime environment, and Next.js development framework. We have also integrated BigDesign, BigCommerce’s library of React components, to drive consistent design language.

The source code is available in the sample-app-nodejs repo. If you are looking for step-by-step instructions, we have prepared a comprehensive tutorial that walks you through the entire process from start to finish.


Our comprehensive Build a Next.js Sample App tutorial explains how to create a sample BigCommerce Next.js app from start to finish. It is delineated into steps with links to the corresponding source code to make it easier to follow.

Quick Start

If you are eager to get started but do not want to go through the tutorial, check out the Deploy to Heroku quick start. You can deploy the sample app to Heroku and test it out in real-time following this install flow.


The new BigCommerce Next.js app provides a starting point for developers looking to create single-click apps compatible with the BigCommerce platform. The app uses JavaScript, Node.js, and Next.js; it incorporates BigDesign to drive a consistent user experience. To get started in no time, check out the Deploy to Heroku quick start. For step-by-step instructions with examples and links to the code base, review the Build a Next.js Sample App tutorial.

