Multi-Storefront & Comestri

Katie Hoesley
BigCommerce Developer Blog
3 min readJun 27, 2022

Katie Hoesley, Senior Developer Advocate at BigCommerce, sat down with Ben Cook, Chief Commercial Officer at Comestri, and Craig Bennett, Chief Technology Officer at Comestri, to discuss their experience with Multi-Storefront.

Who is Comestri?

Comestri offers you the ability to create real-time shipping quotes, allowing your customers to quickly choose their preferred shipment method from the available options. Comestri connects your BigCommerce store and provides personalized shipping quotes for an optimized checkout experience.

Comestri allows you to:

  • Create real-time shipping quotes
  • Create shipping quote labels for different shipping zones
  • Create personalized shipping quote labels

To learn more about Comestri, check out their website or our documentation about Comestri at BigCommerce!

The Interview: MSF & Comestri

Is your app currently designated as MSF compatible and/or optimized?

Yes, Comestri is MSF compatible.

Why did you update your apps to be MSF compatible &/or optimized?

We’ve been interacting with, and had an integration into, BC for a long time now, and seen it through iterations over the years, and we have a number of customers that are on BigCommerce. We’re very cognizant that a lot of our customers themselves have been…holding out for a Multi-Storefront presence based on the nature of their business and the territories that they cover.

How was that process? How much time did it take? How high was the barrier to entry/how much lift was needed?

It probably added a month, end-to-end, for the process. Not too much [lift] because it tied in with us building our shipping app at the same time.

Did you feel you had enough resources to accomplish this?

Yeah, I think so! The documentation was good, the team were really helpful, and I think the app team in particular were the ones who were helping us the most, because it was the first time we’d taken an app past private to be publicly released. We did get good help.

Did you attend any of MSF Enablement Hours?

I didn’t make it to them live, but did watch the recording, and that was helpful!

What/who was your main avenue for support in optimizing?

Mainly the app team this time around!

How has the experience been thus far?

I don’t feel like there’s been any issues going through the process! Having worked with BigCommerce for years with regards to interaction with the platform, the experience this time around, probably if anything has been better. There’s been a lot more focus, this is obviously a big launch, there’s a lot of emphasis on it. It’s probably had a lot more attention, knowledge, understanding, so from that perspective it’s been great to get that attention.

What would you say to another partner who is considering updating their apps to be MSF compatible &/or optimized?

I’d say, given what we’ve seen in terms of the focus from a BigCommerce perspective around this thing specifically, you’re either going to be on board of you’re not on board, really! This will be a key feature for BigCommerce [when put] up against other platforms, as you target customers on a global basis.

Want to Learn More?

If you’re interested in Multi-Storefront and want to learn more, check out our documentation here.

We’d love to hear from you! Comment your thoughts and questions below, or tweet at us @BigCommerceDevs!



Katie Hoesley
BigCommerce Developer Blog

Hi! I’m Katie - Senior Developer Advocate for BigCommerce & based in Colorado! 🤠🏔🥾👾?