Multi-Storefront & JMango360

Katie Hoesley
BigCommerce Developer Blog
2 min readJun 27, 2022

Katie Hoesley, Senior Developer Advocate at BigCommerce, sat down with Maarten Schuiling, Chief Product Officer & Head of Innovations at JMango360, and Duc Ngo, Chief Technology Officer at JMango360, to discuss their experience with Multi-Storefront.

What is JMango360?

JMango360 enables fast and easy shopping by providing a seamless mobile shopping experience integrated with your BigCommerce backend. In today’s world, lots of ecommerce transactions happen on mobile devices, and you risk losing customers to competitors if you don’t have the best mobile shopping experience on top of your desktop experience!

What does JMango360 offer?

  • Easy & effortless app creation
  • Improved mobile conversion rate
  • Improved mobile sales
  • Improved customer loyalty and experience
  • Smooth app management
  • & more!

To learn more about JMango360, check out their website or our documentation about JMango360 at BigCommerce!

The Interview: MSF & JMango360

Is your app currently designated as Multi-Storefront compatible &/or optimized?

Yes, we are optimized!

How much time did it take?

For us, about 4 weeks, in terms of development and testing. But, we were discussing for about 2–3 weeks leading up to it to understand exactly what the values are to the merchants.

How high was the barrier to entry/how much lift was needed?

For us, 4 weeks development is not very high. It’s not very small either, it’s something in between. Medium effort!

Did you feel you had enough resources to accomplish this?


What/who was your main avenue for support in optimizing? Partner Manager, Partner Support, etc?

Specifically, we didn’t talk to just one BigCommerce partner manager, we spoke to so many people and knew what was happening even before we did it so we didn’t really need much hands-on help at all.

Did you use any of the documentation? What were the least/most helpful?

Yeah, BigCommerce’s online API is well documented.

Were you asked by clients to update to support MSF? What drove your decision to update to MSF?

The decision was multifold. Firstly, we are a strategic partner on the mobile front and it would be odd for a strategic partner to not support the latest developments of BigCommerce. Secondly, we are developing a B2B product, whereby, especially in Europe, Multi-Storefront is incredibly important with all the various countries. So, we needed to get our hands dirty on the MSF front anyway, with regards to the B2B product. There were a broad range of reasons as to why we wanted to understand more about the MSF capabilities.

Want to Learn More?

If you’re interested in Multi-Storefront and want to learn more, check out our documentation here.

We’d love to hear from you! Comment your thoughts and questions below, or tweet at us @BigCommerceDevs!



Katie Hoesley
BigCommerce Developer Blog

Hi! I’m Katie - Senior Developer Advocate for BigCommerce & based in Colorado! 🤠🏔🥾👾?