New Release: BigCommerce for WordPress 3.13.0

Topher DeRosia
BigCommerce Developer Blog
2 min readFeb 4, 2020

This release includes some new features around Customer Groups as well as a brand new area for video tutorials.

Below, we’ll highlight a few of the biggest updates, but you can find detailed release notes in the file at


Category and Product View Limitations
If the customer is in a customer group AND that group has category visibility limitations, those limitations are now respected in WordPress. For example, on a typical product archive page there’s a sort list at the top for customers to sort by category. After this version that category list will only contain allowed categories.

Managing Category and Product View Limitations in WordPress
That list of limited categories is managed on BC and sync’d to WordPress. There’s a new filter to determine how often that happens, called bigcommerce/product_category/group_filter_terms_user_cache_time

Tutorials Resource Tab
In the Resources section of the BC4WP plugin there’s now a video training area with a wide range of videos to help with getting a store up to speed.


Embedded Checkout Scrolling
Until this version, if the customer finished an order on a small screen it was possible for the browser to get stuck at the bottom of the page. Now it auto scrolls to the top of the checkout once checkout is complete.


That’s all for now! Follow for our complete list of updates and we’ll see you here in a few weeks for the latest batch of new features!



Topher DeRosia
BigCommerce Developer Blog

Topher is a Senior WordPress Strategist at Camber Creative.