New Release: BigCommerce for WordPress 3.18.0

Topher DeRosia
BigCommerce Developer Blog
2 min readMay 6, 2020

This release includes a wide range of improvements for themes, including TwentyTwenty and Flatsome, as well as a great new feature to help keep custom templates better organized.

Below, we’ll highlight a few of the biggest updates, but you can find detailed release notes in the file at


More Zoom and Larger Image enhancements
In 3.17 we added features for zooming on image galleries, as well as the option for a larger image in the galleries. In 3.18 we refined those features to make them work more smoothly in a variety of themes.

Template Version Numbers
BigCommerce for WordPress has a very robust templating system, but old templates stored in the theme can over time become incompatible with the core plugin. Starting in 3.18.0, the Diagnostics area of the plugin will show you what custom templates you have installed, as well as show a version number on the template, so you can know how old it is.

Working with Flatsome
Flatsome is a popular WooCommerce theme found on ThemeForest. We’ve added support to the BC4WP plugin so that it can run within Flatsome, utilizing Flatsome’s work with WooCommerce without conflicts breaking the theme.


  • Empty cart destination link from Customizer is properly linked in the cart.
  • Product sync reflects adding/removing products from store channels.


  • Changed filtering on Brand and Product Category descriptions to use wp_kses_post() instead of wp_filter_kses(). This allows the use of more HTML tags in those term descriptions.
  • Added some additional refined style adjustments to the WordPress TwentyTwenty theme.
  • Made a change to the onboarding page for connecting your channel. Form sections now start open so you can edit all fields immediately.
  • Both “enabled site SSL” and “Sitewide HTTPS” settings in the BC store are required to use embedded checkout.


That’s all for now! Follow for our complete list of updates and we’ll see you here in a few weeks for the latest batch of new features!



Topher DeRosia
BigCommerce Developer Blog

Topher is a Senior WordPress Strategist at Camber Creative.