What’s New for Merchants in September?

Heather Barr
BigCommerce Developer Blog
2 min readOct 5, 2021

Welcome to the monthly recap of BigCommerce product news and updates. Each month, we’re sharing all the changes and updates available to merchant’s stores on BigCommerce. Whether you’re an agency partner building and managing an e-commerce site, a freelance developer customizing the BigCommerce storefront, or an app developer wanting to keep on top of natively built features, this is your chance to stay in the loop and learn what changes are happening to the BigCommerce platform.

At BigCommerce, September was all about prepping for the holiday season! From feature updates that enable better connections between store admin and their customers, to new additions and updates for selling through omni-channels, there’s a lot to cover.

BigCommerce Platform Updates, September 2021

  • Sales & Orders — Change to Services: Sales & Orders has introduced changes to their pricing and billing structure by discontinuing their free offer and replacing it with new pricing that begins at $10/month. If your clients use this, share the linked Product Blog announcement with them so they can review the details or find alternative options.
  • Configurable Email Address on Order Confirmation Page: Thanks to all who supported this Idea in our Help Center! If you or your clients are wanting to modify the email that is displayed on the Order Confirmation page, go to Advanced Settings › Checkout in the BigCommerce control panel. You can find the Contact Email input field under Order Confirmation Settings.
  • Introducing TikTok For Business: Are your clients interested in selling on TikTok, or do you think they may benefit from doing so? This Product Blog announcement covers everything you (and they) need to know about the benefits, costs (it’s free to use as a channel!), and use cases for selling on TikTok.
  • Sunset of Native Amazon App: The BigCommerce-built native Amazon integration will no longer be available for setup, and will officially sunset on November 8, 2021. For more information on this sunset, our expanded partnership with Codisto, and other solutions, check out the Product Blog!
  • 2SV Now Required for Store Owner Changes: We have made some important improvements to the security features for store owner changes. As of September 27, 2021, it is now required to use two-step verification (2SV) via email to authorize store owner changes.

BigCommerce Beta Opportunities, September 2021

  • Catalog Import/Export Tool (Closed Beta): We are looking for 20 merchants to join a closed beta for the next 3 months to test out a new catalog import/export tool. Testing will be done on a sandbox store rather than on a production store so that it does not interfere with your main site during the holiday selling season. Check out the Product Blog for more information on requirements and how to apply!

