What’s Trending in the Dev Community?

Heather Barr
BigCommerce Developer Blog
3 min readOct 19, 2021

Welcome to a recap of what’s trending in the BigCommerce Developer Community. Every other week, we’ll take a look at the discussions happening in our dev spaces. You’ll see our most popular and insightful conversations, along with questions that could use your expertise or helpful advice.

In the BigCommerce Developer Community, we’re seeing conversations about implementing password reset for headless implementations, stencil theme customization, and using GraphQL to access product metafields on the storefront!

📣 Announcements

  • Cornerstone V6.1.1 is now available! This update brought in many fixes to the theme. Review all of the details of this most recent release in the Developer Changelog.
  • BigCommerce for WordPress V4.18.0 is now available! This includes updated version requirements and compatibility for PHP, MySQL, and WordPress, in addition to fixes to known issues. Read all of the details of this release in the Developer Changelog.
  • Over the month of October, storefronts will be moved to return a Sitemap Index by default when navigating to /xmlsitemap.php in order to support storefronts which may have more than 50,000 URLs. Check out all of the additional details and supporting links in the Developer Changelog.
  • New Developer Blog: This blog announces a new app starter that we have available in our DevCenter. Check out “Introducing BigCommerce Next.js Sample App” in our Developer Blog to see more details and supporting links on this exciting update!

⭐ BigContributor

BIG Thanks to Max Karlsson! You’re a superstar in the community! It’s obvious that everyone appreciates your thoughtful advice and support. Also, great job on your new 2 part personal blog over implementing password reset functionality with a headless storefront. You rock! 🙌

If you’d like to check out Max’s blog, click here to do so!

🗣 Can’t Miss Conversations

Some of our favorite, trending conversations from the BigCommerce Developer Community.

  • Dobreff was looking for guidance on accessing metafields via storefront resources for their stencil theme. This is something that used to not be possible for developers natively with Stencil Handlebars, before the GraphQL days. If you’ve been looking to do something similar, you won’t want to miss this! Check out the amazing response from Nathan suggesting, and instructing how to do so, via GraphQL in StackOverflow to get the know-how.
  • Geoff was looking for helpful ideas on how to change the email address that renders on the order confirmation page. This is a newly supported feature within BigCommerce, that was announced in our Product Blog and the last release of What’s New for Merchants in the Developer Blog. In case you missed this update, check out Geoff’s thread in the #general channel of the BigCommerceDevs Slack to see an excellent use case!

🤝 Share a Solution

The latest Community questions and conversations that need a response. Provide a helping hand to your fellow e-commerce developers and share your ideas and solutions with the group.

  • To display various messaging to customers regarding product stock level, Gabriel is looking to convert a string to number in their stencil theme, using handlebars or another creative solution. If you’ve done something similar or have a creative idea to share with Gabriel, join our conversation in the BigCommerce Developers Community group!! 😁

