What’s Trending in the Dev Community?

Heather Barr
BigCommerce Developer Blog
3 min readSep 20, 2021

Welcome to a recap of what’s trending in the BigCommerce Developer Community. Every other week, we’ll take a look at the discussions happening in our dev spaces. You’ll see our most popular and insightful conversations, along with questions that could use your expertise or helpful advice.

In the BigCommerce Developer Community, we’re seeing conversations about automating various theme configurations in one sitting with GitHub actions, in addition to manipulating checkout, mini cart & PDPs to access Gift Wrapping options and to display MPN values.

📣 Announcements

  • Cornerstone v6.1.0 is now available! This release includes a feature request to add in the release date info for pre-ordered products, added translations for states select field via the account signup page, and more. See all the details in the Developer Changelog.
  • BigCommerce for WordPress v4.17.0 — v4.17.1 are now available! In these most recent releases, we improved the product imports/syncing functionality & resolved other known issues. The Developer Changelog has more information on both releases, and you can find them here: v4.17.0 & v4.17.1.
  • New & required Stencil-CLI version update to v3.5.0 for all developers who are using the CLI in their development, as this update includes a resolution to a CORS issue that was discovered. To get the latest version of stencil-CLI, simply run this command in your terminal: npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-cli
  • New Developer Blog: “Automate your BigCommerce Theme Configuration for Different Environments” by Patrick Puente. In this extension to the GitHub Actions blog, Patrick demonstrates how you can deploy the same theme to multiple environments by including environment specific theme configs.

⭐ BigContributor

BIG Thanks to Vishal Kumar for extending your reach to help many developers in Slack, StackOverflow and the Developer’s Group in our Help Center. You’re so quick and often beat us to the punch! You not only provide extremely valuable advice to others, but you’re also an incredibly positive influence in our community! Thanks for all that you do, Vishal! 🥳. 💙

🗣 Can’t Miss Conversations

Some of our favorite, trending conversations from the BigCommerce Developer Community.

  • Mark was trying to display a specific variant attribute (MPN) on the product page as the variant’s option is selected on PDPs. After an incredible suggestion from one of our Partners, Mark is now unblocked on this requirement and many more! Check out their thread in the BigCommerce Developers Community to see if this is useful for you, as well.
  • Geoff was looking for ways to have the same gift wrapping options accessible via Checkout, Product Pages and Cart Preview, as what is native on the Cart page. After a bit of testing and investigation, Geoff and his team created a solution. Read the full thread in the BigCommerce Developers Community to see the steps!

🤝 Share a Solution

The latest Community questions and conversations that need a response. Provide a helping hand to your fellow e-commerce developers and share your ideas and solutions with the group.

  • Kyle is looking for creative workarounds and ideas on implementing their sizing chart on their PDPs, preferably via a modal. Is there a preferred method you’ve tried before to accomplish something similar? Have you stored resources like this in your store and linked them through relative urls, or had success with something a bit more unique? Regardless of your style, we want to hear your suggestions! Jump in Kyle’s thread with us to share your thoughts! 😁

