Top Stories published by BigEng in 2015

Counting Things at Low & High Concurrency With Redis and MySQL

by Gwilym Evans

In the lead-up to the busy holiday season, we were actively reducing the amount of write operations that go to our MySQL databases, particularly writes which occur frequently where…

Puppet and Elastic, Role-Based EC2 Infrastructures

by Gwilym Evans
Engineer and beer snob at Bigcommerce. Currently focused on Data projects.

In this post, I’ll introduce you to some Amazon EC2 automation concepts and how they can be…

PHP Memory Optimization

by Qifeng Zhao

Lately, I’ve been working on optimizing the memory of some of our backend PHP applications and wanted to share some of the tricks that I have come across, especially dealing with large set of data using PHP.

Plotting with Dots

by Patrick Killelea
Principal Performance Engineer

Most system monitoring tools and load test tools output line graphs, where data values are averaged per second or per minute, and the resulting set of averages is then plotted joined with lines.

Fun with git — breaking apart a large PR into more manageable chunks

by Meg Desko
Backend Dev @Bigcommerce

Sometimes a team moves so quickly on a project that they end up with a rather large feature branch in a short amount of…

On the Usefulness (Or Lack Thereof) of Foreign Keys

by Tim Ellis
Doing data that’s bigger than most anyone else’s data since 1999. Analytics. Front-end databases. Acronym soup.


These were the top 10 stories published by BigEng in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.