Top Stories published by BigEng in 2016

Advanced MySQL Basics

by Tim Ellis
Doing data that’s bigger than most anyone else’s data since 1999. Analytics. Front-end databases. Acronym soup.

About once a year, there’s a blog post from one of the current Tech Unicorns about how they had a big data problem…

Transaction Isolation Level (TXIL) Subtleties in MySQL

by Tim Ellis
Doing data that’s bigger than most anyone else’s data since 1999. Analytics. Front-end databases. Acronym soup.

How we “CSS” at BigCommerce

by Simon Taggart
Design led, user focused Front-End Engineer. Passionate about experiences people get from user interfaces and products.

TL;DR Our SASS Style Guide is available on GitHub

The “Living” Style Guide — Pattern-Lab

by Simon Taggart
Design led, user focused Front-End Engineer. Passionate about experiences…

Bringing Scala on Board

by Jon Wiese
Scala engineer @BigCommerce

Bringing a new language into an organization can present some pretty interesting challenges. These problems are multiplied by Scala which is not only unfamiliar, but encompasses an entirely…

When do I stop testing?

by Venus Nautiyal
Senior Quality Engineer at Bigcommerce

Bigcommerce is a highly customer facing product. As many merchants as we support and create on a daily basis, it can be a little nerve-racking to release particularly sensitive…

These were the top 10 stories published by BigEng in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.