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Kate Walters: From Law to Tech

by Kate Walters
I have an obsession with figuring out the answer to weird problems and a need for my code…

Advanced MySQL Basics

by Tim Ellis
Doing data that’s bigger than most anyone else’s data since 1999. Analytics. Front-end databases. Acronym soup.

About once a year, there’s a blog post from one of the current Tech Unicorns about how they had a big data problem…

Transaction Isolation Level (TXIL) Subtleties in MySQL

by Tim Ellis
Doing data that’s bigger than most anyone else’s data since 1999. Analytics. Front-end databases. Acronym soup.

How Much Does Consistency Matter?

by Tim Ellis
Doing data that’s bigger than most anyone else’s data since 1999. Analytics. Front-end databases. Acronym soup.

Is consistency even important? We know it’s contentious. Some people find it extremely…

On the Usefulness (Or Lack Thereof) of Foreign Keys

by Tim Ellis
Doing data that’s bigger than most anyone else’s data since 1999. Analytics. Front-end databases. Acronym soup.
