DragonStake: Fredy

Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2019

Big Dipper Cosmos Validator Interview Series

To help the decentralization of delegation on Cosmos, Forbole has delegated to over 20 validators who have a voting power less than 0.8% at the time of the delegation (list). While we are not a large atoms holder, we can help in other ways. That’s why we have started this interview series. Forbole has a special position to do this due to our early participation in Cosmos as both a validator and a team behind a Cosmos ecosystem chain.

Admiring DragonStake’s outstanding contribution to the Cosmos community, Forbole delegated to DragonStake in 2019. DragonStake team focuses their work on blockchain security and currently they are validating on several Proof of Stake networks, including Cosmos, Polkadot, Ethereum testnet, and Kava. Fredy is the founder of DragonStake.

Before Cosmos

As a child growing along with the boom of the internet technology, Fredy has abundant first-hand experience working on and with the internet. He deployed his very first network node, a FidoNet Board System (BBS), at his parents’ home even before the internet existed. After “combating” a few years with the downtime as his node was sharing the house telephone line, Fredy got his very own copper line for his 9600 bauds modem in 1993.

In Fredy’s professional life, he has worked closely with Pablo Neira, the main developer of Netfilter.org project. Fredy has worked for two years in Pablo’s company, where he dedicated to an open source project “OpenGnSys”, which has been adopted by many spanish universities to deploy their operating systems. Besides that, Fredy also founded a community driven Wireless Service Provider in this city, via which he supplied free internet access to hundreds of people using wireless antennas.

Joining Cosmos

Fredy learned about Cosmos through a local blockchain community called “La Colmena”. Since joining the Cosmos community, Fredy and his team has participated in many community events, such as hackathon, meetups, discussions, etc. He and Wimel from DelegaNetoworks (who was the one first introduced Cosmos to Fredy) organized the first Proof of Stake meetup in Seville, Spain. They also meet weekly at La Colmena to discuss about anything related to blockchain technology and networks.

The first 34% attack

The most important and interesting experience for Fredy and his team in their Cosmos journey is that they successfully managed to perform the first 34% attack ever on a Tendermint based blockchain testnet. This project has great implications concerning centralization problems of proof of stake networks.

A rising Cosmos validator

As a Cosmos network validator, Fredy has encountered challenges when educating people about PoS. He also finds convincing people to trust him and team as a validator difficult. In fact, Fredy has to spend of his resources in persuading delegators.

Here are some points to back his credibility: DragonStake is an award-winner of Game of Stakes, in the Uptime category. They also created and have been maintaining the Cosmos DAppNode package that let you run your own full node and lunie wallet locally with just one click. Overall, DragonStake has contributed largely to the Cosmos ecosystem and the community.

Besides Cosmos

Fredy mentioned that they are also closely following Polkadot, Sentinel and ETH2.0, as they believe those projects will have great relevance in the near future.

If you want to know more about Fredy and DragonStake, here are some places to start:

Website: https://dragonstake.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DragonStake

Riot: @derfredy:matrix.org




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