Data Products

Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2018

With all the hype around data science and its technicalities, i personally think that the word Data Product has become very heavy duty. In my experience, people get lost in the technicalities and loose the motivation to understand the data and create a product or product feature out of it. I am a fan of keeping things simple and stupid and still be sexy. I have been capturing some product features across different products (that i personally use) that makes intelligent use of data. Lets call them Data Products.

In Gmail, while mentioning the phrase ''I am attaching'' in the email but actually forgot to attach an attachment, before sending the email, it prompted me with this dialog box

I use Coursera a lot, one fine day i received this email as part of their newsletter subscription about trending courses in Europe. This is very simple use of data and creating a conversion feature, based on my geography they emailed me something that will intrigue my curiosity.

A very intuitive progress bar


This is a fancy one, using typing speed and typos, verifying identity of a person. This creative use case took me by surprise, found it on Coursera also.

Now this one is sweet and creative because it saves like 2 micro seconds of your life time — Xing is a professional networking site, quite a big name in the DACH region. At the time of registration it picks up your email domain and makes a button that lets you open your inbox right from there

Last but not the least, this is what medium surprised me with

For a more serious read on this subject, i would recommend this article





Data, Machine Learning, Solution Architecture, Product Management, Use case hunter, Cross Industry Synergies, Good Sense of Humour, Fintech, Reader, Adtech