it’s subtle, wouldn’t y0u say

Denver SaaS Stallions Meetup #1

Brian Parks
Bigfoot Capital
4 min readMar 1, 2017


We had the first gathering of our Denver Stallions crew last night. The early days of our community are very encouraging. We’ve seen some good engagement on Slack, and now we’ve take it offline to the real world, all in less than two weeks!

If you’ve stumbled upon this and wonder what the hell I’m talking about, we’ve started a community for folks involved in SaaS businesses who are interested in contributing to cross functional, peer-to-peer learning and development. Quick blurb here.

The Recap

11 of us convened at 5:30 and I was the first to leave at 7pm. I consider that a success! That’s really the hallmark of a good network, one that can thrive without you (the Stallion bus factor is very low at an early stage).

I had two deep conversations with entrepreneurs of a different cut. I’ll cover one of those here and the other in a following post.

Conversation #1 with Royce: Engineer turning bootstrapped entrepreneur

Royce is an engineer with deep product experience across multiple startups. One has exited to a large strategic (company with $$$), one is tying the web together and another I’m not so sure about.

He’s at a point in his life where he’s interested in expanding his skill domain beyond engineering into the more business-oriented facets of business building (he’s considering an MBA in fact).

He is scratching his own itch as a father of a toddler that needs a nanny (he and his wife both work). He’s built a niche B2C product that has achieved initial traction in the form of organic signups. He has also hired a market-facing resource who is a well-known blogger in his space to help spread word about his produce.

As far as I’m concerned, Royce, should he choose, is well on his way to having not only a product, but also a business, he can grow in the bootstrapped manner he desires, here’s why:

  1. He Knows (and embraces) his role: Royce knows his highest value delivery is as an engineer, and he has already made a move on his own to engage someone who can help him with distribution (I don’t think he really appreciated this, but from my perspective he is already selling the vision and collecting people as a Founder)
  2. He’s thinking about what he wants: Royce is thinking long-term (next 10 years) about what he wants. In fact, he asked me out of the gates what my 10-year plan is, which signifies to me where his head’s at. I’m not going to say he has a crystal clear vision 10 years down the road, but the fact that he’s planning at that scale is cool and evident in the decisions he’s making (e.g. not taking money that has been offered to him, considering pursuing an MBA).
  3. He’s aware of and interested in complementing his weaknesses: Royce has an innate sense that he’s not the one to go market his vision to the masses. He wants to focus on engineering and product vision and is confident in his ability to deliver on these core aspects of the business. He’s already found someone in the space to help him out via his own hustle (awesome!) and just by being self-aware and real and voicing what role he really wants to play in the business and not pretending like he’s got it all covered, Royce has put himself in a position to be helped (basically he has a very targeted ask: “I need help with distributing this product”).
  4. He’s done his homework: We chatted about the market and the dynamics at play, and guess what, Royce already has organic signups from big-time players (who could really like what he’s building…). He mentioned that he noticed some signups happening across geographic markets and with known domains. When I say noticed, I mean he hadn’t looked at the app in 6 months because of having a baby, a job and a move into a new house. These things happen.

What doesn’t just happen, and what I want Royce to know, is ORGANIC SIGNUPS IN THE HUNDREDS WHEN YOU’RE TOTALLY NOT PAYING ATTENTION.

Bottom line: Great conversation with Royce and happy to report that he was having a probably even greater conversation with Paul Arterburn when I checked out.

In the meantime, if you, or someone you know, could benefit from some nanny-sharing, sign up for Royce’s app at



Brian Parks
Bigfoot Capital

I work in finance with startups and, on occasion, write about things completely unrelated to both.