4 Unconventional Morning Habits Practiced By The Healthiest Individuals That Are Rarely Discussed

Kimble Honore
Bigger Better Living
4 min readJul 17, 2023
“Coffee for Wesley and I in my new birthday cups! :)” by insidious_plots is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

What can be done NOW to ensure you stay as fit as possible?

Like many of you, I have pondered this question. No one wants to get old, aging is inevitable but there are some steps we can take to slow or reverse the process.

For countless years, I have scoured the web, read a ton of books and spoken with fitness experts and enthusiasts on the topic.

Many would agree that getting adequate sleep, regular exercise and eating right are the pillars of a healthy lifestyle but it does not stop there.

There is so much more to living a healthy lifestyle than how much you exercise or what you eat. Routine seems to also play a major role in mental and physical health.

Many experts have suggested being an early riser, but I’ve never been a morning person. Since I was a kid, I have always struggled with waking up early.

Everyone has a unique disposition when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. What works for some may not work for others and that’s ok.

Health is all about choices and for the most part, choices are neutral. Our individuality is what makes us unique. There are multiple pathways to achieving the same results when it comes to one’s own health.

Long term adherence to a healthy lifestyle will make more of an impact than anything in your life. So, it is best to take what info is useful to you and discard the things that don’t suit you.

So I’m not going to tell you to wake up early or eat a bunch of salads.

Instead, I will tell you about the unconventional morning habits I have used to greatly impact my health that does not require much work.

[1] Practice gratitude

There is much to be thankful for!

The first thing I do when I wake up is count my blessings. Life is a series of ups and downs along with days filled with mundaneness. At 37, I still feel youthful but the effects of aging are subtly creeping up.

Still, It’s just nice to start the day on a positive note. Though things in your life may not be exactly as you would want them to be, try to remember that there are plenty of things that are right.

Research has shown that cultivating gratitude can enhance sleep quality, uplift mood, and boost physical health. Practicing gratitude has also been associated with reducing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and the risk of certain diseases.

Psychologist Robert A. Emmons stated in his 20 year old ground-breaking study on gratitude and well-being that:

Gratitude heals, energizes and changes lives…It is the prism through which we view life in terms of gifts, givers, goodness and grace.

[2] Maintain bowel movement regularity

So after a brief reflection on what’s good in life, I go to the bathroom like many of you. First thing I do is have a bowel movement. I usually have one or two per day, which experts believe is the norm. I think it is important to remain regular as much as possible.

According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. When considering data for both men and women, it ranks as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths.

I have lost family members to colorectal cancer so bowel movement regularity is something I try to be mindful of as I get older.

[3] Tongue Scraping

There is nothing more embarrassing than being accused of having bad breath. Tongue scraping has many benefits such as removing bacteria, reducing bad breath and improving oral health.

In a 2005 study, researchers discovered that utilizing a tongue scraper twice daily for a week resulted in a decrease in the presence of Mutans streptococci and Lactobacilli bacteria in the mouth. These specific bacteria are associated with bad breath and dental decay.

How to perform a tongue scraping:

  1. Select a Tongue Scraper: Choose a tongue scraper that suits your preference, such as a stainless steel or copper scraper.
  2. Prepare: Stand in front of a mirror and open your mouth wide. Extend your tongue comfortably forward.
  3. Position the Scraper: Place the rounded end of the scraper at the back of your tongue, making gentle contact.
  4. Scrape from Back to Front: With light pressure, glide the scraper forward along your tongue’s surface. Ensure you cover the entire tongue.
  5. Rinse the Scraper: After each scrape, rinse the scraper with water to remove residue. Repeat the scraping process until you’ve covered the entire tongue.
  6. Cleanse Your Mouth: Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash to eliminate loosened bacteria or debris. Swish the liquid around before spitting it out.
  7. Clean and Store the Scraper: Wash the tongue scraper with mild soap and warm water. Thoroughly dry it and store it in a clean, dry place for future use.

[4] Silence and Solitude

It’s important to allocate quiet time in the morning for meditation, reflection, or simply enjoying silence. Solitude can foster a sense of calm, improve focus, and set a positive tone for the day.

Silence and solitude are valuable states of being that bring numerous benefits to individuals, creating an environment conducive to self-discovery and rejuvenation.

Many experts also agree that that time alone can help increase productivity and reduce stress.

The start of the morning is a great time to take a moment to reflect and center yourself before the rest of the day gets going.

