20 Movies That Are Unintentionally Funny

Or: 20 Movies That Helped Me Realize I’m a Bad Person

Ryan Hussey
The Bigger Picture
5 min readNov 16, 2017


Okay, almost nothing about any of these movies is traditionally funny. I’m sure the people who made them never intended for them to be laughed at. But, for some reason, I get a kick out of watching them — either proving that you can find humor anywhere or that I’m a scumlord of a person. Maybe it’s how I was raised?*

Oh, and I’ll let you know now: Get Out is definitely not on this list.

*My family finds a lot of humor in death and pain. It’s how we cope, I guess. As probably the best comedian ever and all-around funnyman Carlos Mencia used to say on his award-winning Comedy Central program Mind of Mencia, “If you ain’t laughin’, you ain’t livin’.”

WARNING: Some spoilers ahead.


1. My Girl

Memorable quote: “He can’t see without his glasses!”

Why it’s funny: I crack up every time somebody says something even remotely close to this in real life. Dude at work says, “I’m blind without my glasses,” and I’m on the floor. Maybe it’s because my brother’s girlfriend loves this movie and I drink her tears for nourishment.

2. Titanic

Memorable quote: *old lady gasp*

Why it’s funny: The part toward the end where old Rose throws the diamond into the ocean is one of my favorite moments in film history. Her little gasp thing is hysterical for the same reason #3 on this list is funny. (I also love to mock Billy Zane’s “I put the diamond in the coat… And I put the coat on her!”)

3. Spider-Man

Memorable quote: “Oh.”

Why it’s funny: At the precise moment Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin is about to be skewered by his own glider, the film cuts to a closer shot of the Goblin just for him to say, “Oh,” before becoming the Green Keboblin.

4. The Happening

Memorable quote: none

Why it’s funny: What a ridiculous, silly little movie. When you get far enough into it to realize what’s going on and that it’s completely serious, that’s exactly when it gets hilarious. Also Mark Wahlberg in a serious role is killer.

5. The Wicker Man

Memorable quote: “Not the bees!”

Why it’s funny: Sometimes, a unique combination of cheesy writing and poor acting can create art that transcends time and negative reviews.

6. Spider-Man 3

Memorable quote: “We’ve all done terrible things to each other, but we have to forgive each other. Or everything we ever were will mean nothing.”

Why it’s funny: So much unintentional comedy here… from Harry and MJ’s cute little cooking scene to Peter’s random emo transformation and bar fight where he hits MJ. And the dialogue and character development is just awful throughout.

7. The Dark Knight

Memorable quote: “RACHEL!”

Why it’s funny: I wish I knew more people named Rachel so I could mimic Harvey Dent’s absurd scream any time someone mentions the name. It actually kind of reminds me of when Eric would scream “Rachel!” on Boy Meets World.

8. First Blood

Memorable quote: “He keeps calling my name… ‘I wanna go home, Johnny! I wanna drive my Chevy!’ I said, ‘With what? I can’t find your fuckin’ legs! I can’t find your legs!’”

Why it’s funny: I’m sure whatever Rambo went through in Vietnam was devastating. But the writing here might be too good not to laugh.

9. Se7en

Memorable quote: “What’s in the baaaaaaahhhhhhhxxxx?!”

Why it’s funny: Okay so for those who don’t know, at the end of the movie, Brad Pitt finds his wife (Gwyneth Paltrow)’s head in a box that the movie’s killer gives him. Kevin Spacey plays the killer (even funnier now).

10. Crash

Memorable quote: “Dopey fucking Chinaman.”

Why it’s funny: It’s been over a decade since this film fixed racism, but I still find nearly every line of it hysterical. Especially Ludacris’ lines. Those are the best lines.

11. Signs

Memorable quote: “It’s behind!”

Why it’s funny: Try your hardest not to laugh during that video from the kid’s birthday party in Brazil that they play on the news. The alien walking out is startlingly funny.

12. Cellular

Memorable quote: “Don’t ever call me again.”

Why it’s funny: The concept itself is far-fetched. When was the last time you answered a call from an unknown number? Honestly, I just wouldn’t want to be bothered. Don’t be a #hero. (Ironically, this flick was Chris Evans’ first step toward silver screen heroism.)

13. Face/Off

Memorable quote: “I want to take his face… off.”

Why it’s funny: I don’t even think I need to write something here.

14. Godsend

Memorable quote: “You think you can just open Pandora’s box and close it again?”

Why it’s funny: When I first saw this movie, I had trouble deciding if I was afraid of having kids because they might turn out to be actual monsters or amused because Robert De Niro, Greg Kinnear, and Rebecca Romijn all agreed to be in it.

15. Deep Blue Sea

Memorable quote: “You wait your whole life for a single moment and then suddenly it’s tomorrow.”

Why it’s funny: Put Michael Rapaport in a remake of Lorenzo’s Oil and I’ll think it’s the funniest fucking movie ever made.

16. Lorenzo’s Oil

Memorable quote: “Do you know how many children die every year from choking on french fries? Many more than from Adrenoleukodistrophy.”

Why it’s funny: I know this is based on a true story, but I was in middle school the first time I saw it and I’m not sorry for giggling throughout.

17. Con Air

Memorable quote: “Put the bunny back in the box.”

Why it’s funny: You could talk about the cheesy-yet-somehow-clever dialogue or the random Steve Buscemi tea party scene, but it’s the haphazard guitar solos that really make this film a masterpiece.

18. Batman & Robin

Memorable quote: who cares


19. House of Wax

Memorable quote: “Elton John is gay?”

Why it’s funny: Pretty sure Paris Hilton literally gets a pole through her head. Comedic gold.

20. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle

Memorable quote: “I’d recognize that arse anywhere, you piece of shite.”

Why it’s funny: Maybe I was young and dumb, but for a portion of season one of The Leftovers, I thought Justin Theroux actually had an Irish accent. BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID ASS MOVIE.

