A Radical Proposal for Dealing with Trump Supporters After Biden Wins

You’re not gonna like this. But hear me out.

Russ Josephs
The Bigger Picture


(Image/New York Times)

It took me a long time to accept this as well, but I believe it’s what needs to happen so we can truly move forward as a country and act as an actual United States of America.

Here goes: After the election, after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are safely installed and the Trump nightmare comes to an end, we have to figure out a way to work with his supporters. We can’t let them fall back into the cracks, stewing in their anger, resentment and racism. We can’t simply ignore them and pretend they don’t exist. Because they do exist, and their children and grandchildren exist, and if we simply look the other way like we’ve done in the past, the same thing will happen again. And again. And again.

Let’s use history as a guide.

After WWI, when the Allied forces kicked Germany’s ass, we left them there to rot, isolated and alone. And what happened? They rose up again, more determined than ever to spread their hatred, malice and destruction around the globe.

The reason for this is simple: They were super pissed off. The combination of their humiliating defeat, devastated economy and tattered reputation proved to be the perfect breeding ground for amorality and…

