
3 min readJul 21, 2016


Malaga, Spain

These are some of my favourite moments by the sea this summer. From the populated beaches of Malaga, Spain, to the rocky coasts of Wales, and the stunning coastal beauty of the Isle of Skye.

Pembrokeshire Coastal Path, Wales
Costal Landscapes, Pembrokeshire Coastal Path, Wales
Rubha Hunish, Isle of Skye
Cows by the Mountain Bothy, “The Lookout”
This moved me.
Home, Isle of Skye
This was beautiful, bar the midges. (Isle of Skye)
The sun came out within a minute of the previous shot. Or the clouds moved away. Or the wind came.
Isle of Skye
Bla Bheinn, from Elgol, Isle of Skye

My journey through Isle of Skye via the unmarked route “Skye Trail” was indeed an adventure of the oddest kind. Include necessity hitch-hiking, emergency wild-camps, waterproofs becoming un-waterproof-ed, and sleeping in strangers’ (now friends) homes. I will write on it soon for it is one I want to remember distinctively for years to come.

I also saw the sea/ocean from Israel this summer, but as I struggle to move out of my house in London this week an go through the tortious process of deciding what to leave behind in this flat and what to take, those photos and stories shall have to wait.

Have fun by the sea this summer. Maybe go on/in it too. Keep adventuring; the curl of the world never meets the sky.

“Climb out, out to where you see, curl of the world” — Conrad, Ben Howard

