Feminism vs. Toxic Masculinity

A battle that doesn’t need to be fought

Lee Serpa Azevado
The Bigger Picture


(Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash)

Toxic masculinity is now a familiar term to many. Language is flexible but manipulative. As such, this term has come to mean different things to different people.

I am not advocating for a draconian law with Orwellian thought police. My issue is when these differing opinions are ill-informed — and lacking in evidence that divides genders further apart.

Men have been perceived throughout time as having certain personality traits. As have women. Men were generally viewed as hunters. And later wage earners. Women have always tended to be viewed as home-keepers.

Over generations, these personas have morphed into their respective stereotypes. But neither of these personas equate to sexual equality.

Feminism has come a long way

The 18th-century utilitarian and philosopher Jeremy Bentham deplored the societal placing of women. He challenged women’s legally inferior position to men. Many regard Bentham as the founder of modern utilitarianism. Bentham advocated for complete equality between the sexes. This included the rights to vote and to engage in government.

In 1866, English Law forbade abortion. Ironically named ‘The Offences Against the Person Act,’ this…



Lee Serpa Azevado
The Bigger Picture

Scribbler of stuff, psychotherapist, giant punsexual, pronouns: fee-fie/foe-fum. Mental health(y), humo(u)r, politic(k)s and other such no(n)sense.