How to Play ‘Good Cop/Bad Cop’ When You Have 3 Cops

Nothing ruins this age-old game like a third cop bumbling into the cell

Robin Hinkley
The Bigger Picture


(Photo by Rosemary Ketchum from Pexels)

We’ve all been there — engrossed in that cosmic dance between dark and light, that compelling back-and-forth between rabid desk-thumping and getting detainees little cups of water.

Two cops. Doing what cops do. Engaging in cop-play. Copping each other off. Copping all over the detainee. All the other cops copping a perv through the one-way glass.

Two cops, rolling out their divine plays. Playing out their divine roles. Roles that were handed down to them by their fathers, their fathers’ fathers, and all the way back up through the patrilineal dude-tube to Clint Eastwood.

Roles that evolved together in perfect, ecstatic synchronicity, like two impeccably-formed testicles endowing the crotch that is the Department of Justice.

Then a third cop stumbles unwittingly into the cell.

The Balance Is Shattered

Chaos ensues. The players are suddenly jerked out of their rapture and thrown into a crisis of confidence. Once-opened cans of whoop-ass are resealed.

Where previously you had an elegant yin yang situation, you now have two Good Cops and a Bad Cop…



Robin Hinkley
The Bigger Picture

Robin Hinkley is a musician, teacher and writer from New Zealand. He began his writing career reporting on parliamentary select committee meetings — boring!