I Spent $15k to Watch YouTube Videos for aYear

How the education industry is scamming the middle class

Bre Venanzio
The Bigger Picture


(Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash)

I almost died in 2017. To make a very long story short, my appendix detonated, spreading infection shrapnel throughout the rest of my body and putting me into organ failure. There was gangrene and adult diapers involved, and I came out of the hospital walking with a cane and weighing just over 92 pounds. This was hands down the worst experience of my life, but it was also a catalyst that set me on the path my life has taken ever since. Unfortunately, it lead to the most expensive mistake of my life: grad school.

In college, I had no idea what I wanted to do when I grew up. I knew what I didn’t want to do, and that was anything that involved math. So, I went with what I knew: I majored in English. I’ve loved reading and writing ever since I was a small child, and was repeatedly lauded for my writing skills in college, so it seemed like a nice chill way to spend the next four years while I figured out my life. At the end, the only thing I wanted to do was the same thing I went in doing: I wanted to write.

Graduating into a barely post-financial crisis job market was tough. After college, I took a low-paying job as a performer in the largest theme park in the country. I packed up my car and moved 1,000 miles south to the…



Bre Venanzio
The Bigger Picture

Displaced Pittsburgher turned Disappointed Floridian | Voted Most Likely To Win An Oscar, RHS Class of 2008 | Same Myers-Briggs Type as Tony Stark