I wanted to text you today.

The Bigger Picture


Pretty much as soon as I woke up.

And then again when I crawled back into bed.

But also during every other minute in between.

So, more than once, I stared at those letters.

I thought a little bit about how to string them together.

How to say something casual, but also fun, but also cool, but also flirty, but also just-saying-hi, but not clingy, but also sexy, but also friendly, but also maybe-romantic, but also not-too-romantic, but also not-weird-either, but also maybe-a-little-weird, but, like, cute-weird, but also super-chill, but also intentional, but also LOL-I-text-everyone, but also you’re-special, but not-too-special, but also oops-wrong-person, but also JK-totally-meant-to-text-you, but also do-you-still-like-me?, but also, not like, like-like-me, but also it’s-cool-if-you-don’t, but also I-know-we’re-not-a-thing, but also you-do-make-me-happy, but also I-can-make-myself-happy, so also you-don’t-even-have-to-text-me-back, but also I’d-love-it-if-you-did, but also you-still-totally-have-space, but also so-do-I, but also look-at-all-this-space-we-have, but also I-LOVE-THIS-FUCKING-SPACE, but also it’s-cool-if-you-want-less-space, but also this-is-still-fun, but also you-still-think-this-is-fun-right?, but also I’m-fun-right?, but also look-at-how-fun-I-am, but also I’m-so-busy, but also you-probably-know-that’s-a-lie, but also-you’re-probably-actually-busy, so also I-don’t-mean-to-bug-ya, but also maybe-your-phone-is-dead, but also just-thinking-of-you, but also not-too-much, but also are-you-thinking-of-me? Maybe?

Yeah — I wanted to text you today.

But also I wanted you to text me.

My brain spun dizzy in my head.

So I Snapchatted you my boobs instead.



The Bigger Picture

generally bad at second dates, but I'm working on it 👌