Inside the Mind of a Trumpist Congressman

Jason Smith sells his warped view to anyone listening

Eric Sentell
The Bigger Picture
Published in
6 min readDec 30, 2020


(Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash)

These days, we seldom encounter and rarely seek out people on opposite ends of the political spectrum. It’s eye-opening, even mind-boggling, when hyper-partisans provide access to their innermost thoughts.

When constituents of Congressman Jason Smith — a Republican representing Missouri’s 8th District, a very rural, widespread district — email him with concerns, they are automatically signed up to his email newsletter. In these emails, he cracks open his skull and lets the crazy leak out.

Jason Smith’s “Review of 2020” email begins by agreeing with Trump’s assertion that he created the greatest economy America’s ever had.

Under President Trump’s leadership, and in the face of a worldwide pandemic, our nation experienced record setting economic growth — median household incomes hit the highest level ever seen, manufacturing jobs grew at the fastest rate in three decades, and unemployment was down at record lows.

It’s true that median household income approached an all-time high of nearly $70,000 per year in 2020.

But it’s also true that average American families should be earning about $110,000 per year if income had continued growing alongside GDP. Prior to…

