Productivity Is Like Jazz

It’s all about the stuff you don’t do

Shawn Forno
The Bigger Picture


Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Like most writers, I’m not as productive as I’d like to be. And I think it’s because I never learned to play jazz.

Let me explain.

The Notes You Don’t Play

“It’s not the notes you play, it’s the notes you don’t play.” — Miles Davis

I’ve always loved this quote — and it’s not because I’m such a hep cat.

This advice hits so hard because it’s a rare example of telling people that the secret to success is doing less.

According to one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time, excellence isn’t about playing better, harder, or faster.

It’s about knowing when to hold back.

Because true mastery isn’t about effort, it’s about efficiency.

Leave Room for Blank Spaces

If you want to accomplish something — like writing more — you don’t need a kickass morning routine or productivity system.

You need to cut out everything that isn’t helping you achieve your goal.

You have to play fewer notes.



Shawn Forno
The Bigger Picture

A very left-handed writer | YouTube: | Lonely Planet, Matt D’Avella, The Startup, MindCafe, Writer’s Cooperative