Role Reversal

Our kids have begun parenting us

Cindy Shore Smith
The Bigger Picture


Me on the slackline getting encouragement from my baby

“Watch, Daddy!”

“Amazing, buddy!”

“Look at this, Mommy!”

“That was so cool, honey!”

The video is old and grainy but the emotions couldn’t be clearer. Kids are taking turns jumping off a diving board in creative ways, beaming as we cheer them on.

Wasn’t it just moments ago I was celebrating toddlers’ first steps? Then arranging fun for ‘tweens? Blink of an eye later, wasn’t I questioning high-schoolers’ Friday night plans?

It all seems like yesterday but they’re over 30 now and I’ve begun to sense a shift.

Pandemic Acceleration

We’ve enjoyed a few years of adult friendship with our kids, interested in each other’s lives without much worry or judgment. Suddenly, though, the virus — and the fact that we live in a state not known for following the rules — turned the tide.

“We’re having dinner with our friend Julie,” I innocently informed them. This was early in the pandemic when there were more questions than answers.

“Where has she been?” my son wanted to know, “Does she still work at a school? Are they wearing masks? Will you be eating indoors?”

