
The Bigger Picture Prompt #1:

The Bigger Picture
The Bigger Picture
Published in
1 min readOct 12, 2015


If you got in your car and just started driving, where is the first place you’d go?

Would you drive to a place you’ve never been? Would you go somewhere you know all too well? Without thinking, where would you drive out of habit? If you don’t own a car or if you live in a place where owning one isn’t practical, where would you drive if you could? Would it be somewhere close, or a place on the other side of the country?

Would you be driving toward something or away from something?

Write a response in less than 300 words and let us know where you’d go. Try to think about why you’d consciously or unconsciously drive to this place and what it means to you. We’ll feature our favorites in The Bigger Picture sometime soon!

