The Bigger Picture Writing Prompt #2:

The Bigger Picture
The Bigger Picture
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2016

What is your worst habit?


Everybody has their bad habits. And no, we’re not talking about the things nuns wear on their heads. We’re talking about behaviors that have become almost involuntary — repeated patterns of actions that you might consider routine in nature. Though some habits can be good, such as stretching after exercise or flossing after meals, we only want you to focus on the bad stuff.

A bad habit could be anything. It could be something little — like biting your nails or smoking cigarettes — or it could be something much, much bigger. The thing all of our bad habits have in common is that we acknowledge that they exist, we recognize that they’re bad, and we’d like to find a way to kick them.

The best way to do this? Get writing.

Tell us about your worst habit in 300 words or less. Be as creative and honest as you want to be, even if that means flat out saying, “I need to stop smoking cigs, bruh.” This is an opportunity for you to open up and have a conversation with others about kicking a bad habit and changing your behavior for the better. If you want, offer up a way you intend to kick your bad habit, and feel free to respond to others and suggest effective methods.

Write a response below. We’ll feature some of our favorites in The Bigger Picture sometime soon!

