The Religious Corruption of Spirituality

Do you need to follow a god to be happy?

The Bigger Picture
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2021


(Photo by Hans Vivek on Unsplash)

In these times of political correctness, making assumptions and classifications might land one in trouble. At the risk of offending those who can’t handle contrasting opinions, I can undoubtedly say that three categories cover the entire spectrum of humans.

Firstly, the theists and the creationists. Those who believe in the existence of a god. These are people who believe in divine creation and divine interventions. They generally might bow down to some higher power that they feel is controlling their entire existence, right from their birth to their death. Such theists and creationists might direct their moral compass in the direction of their God.

The second type of person is the atheist, who dismisses the existence of God. They might not accept anything without going through empirical evidence. There are 18 major religions in the world. None of them can show proof of the existence of their God. But to be honest, no scientific theory has conclusively and unquestionably disproved divine existence.

The third type of person is neither. They go about living their mortal lives without bothering about pestering questions whose answers continue to elude us. They don’t care about theism or…



The Bigger Picture

I love doing manual work. It always provides me with a creative outburst.