The Unpopular Opinions of a Conservative Christian

But it’s not what you think

Adrienne Koziol
The Bigger Picture


(Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash)

I know you have no reason to care about my opinion. I’m a random person typing out my thoughts just like everyone else. I’m not here to convert, shame, justify, or insult. I’m also not going to apologize for what the Bible (actually) says.

I’m asking you to hear me out anyway.

This past year has brought out the ugly in us all. These things have been stewing underneath, just waiting for an opportunity to ooze out. Politics, fear, and unrest is the perfect breeding ground for the infection to fester, and now we see the nasty results.

I see the backlash against Christians and the hate and hypocrisy directed towards us and our God. I hear Christians cry persecution and other rhetoric as they fight for their rights and the country they hold so dear. And we, as Christians, are wrong. Our focus is wrong, our method is wrong, our priorities are wrong.

I’m not saying this from a pedestal — I’m far from perfect — but the world needs to know this truth:

What you see is not biblical Christianity.

Things God didn’t say

Our God did not call us to fight for our rights, even if He did grant them to us — and they belong to every human, not…



Adrienne Koziol
The Bigger Picture

If I felt more creative, I'd figure out a way to use up 160 words describing my life as a wife, mom, editor, and writer.