Top 10 Hottest Presidents

Ryan Hussey
The Bigger Picture
Published in
6 min readJul 17, 2020


This is one statue of Honest Abe I’d love to tear down... but will he make the cut? (Image/Pixabae)

Who’s the best president? People will debate points like economic success, bills passed, wars entered or ended. But I feel like we’re focusing on the wrong things.

What if we judged the quality of U.S. presidents the same way we judge normal people: based on how hot they are?

Politics aside (kind of), who are the top 10 most doable presidents — and, more importantly, how can I sleep at night now having written this?

10. Richard Nixon


37th president, 1969–1974

Now that we know he was very much a crook, it’s all out in the open. And, honestly, liars and cheats just have a way about them. I’ve been burned before and I am begging to be burned again.

Nixon was also a well-known introvert. Truth be told, a little bit of mystery is this writer’s wet dream.

Oh, and if it adds anything, he ended U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War and established the EPA. Caring about the environment is hella hot these days.

9. William McKinley

