Tucker Carlson Got It Right

And it’s high time we listened

Deborah Handover
The Bigger Picture



Monday night, Tucker Carlson covered the recent breaking news that President Trump paid only $750 in federal income taxes during the first two years of his presidency and no income taxes at all for 10 of the 15 years on record.

“Trump’s accountants took advantage of the many provisions in our tax code to make that possible,” Carlson said during the segment. “What the president did was legal — in fact it’s all but universal among the affluent who earn their money from investments rather than from salaries.”

“Should the president have used these conventional tax loopholes to his own benefit?” Carlson asked, “We’ll leave that to the ‘professional hyperventilators’” — referring to liberal news networks — “on the other channels….But far more interesting is this question: Why does our tax code remain so obviously, so grotesquely unfair?”

Carlson continued:

“Billionaires should not be paying a lower rate than you are paying, no matter who they are, no matter who the president is. The main problem with America right now is that a shrinking group of people controls a growing share of our nation’s wealth and power. America is lopsided, and it’s getting more lopsided every year. That makes our country unstable.

