When a Wreck Becomes a Playground

The Bigger Picture
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2016
We had fun. Iceland trip: Jan 2016.

Quick lessons from Iceland’s Sólheimasandur plane wreck (above)

  1. After awhile even pain and disaster becomes lucrative.
  2. After awhile even a (your) wreck will become everyone’s playground.
  3. Time never stops.
  4. Apply (1) and (2) to perspective on life, while assuming (3) is true.

My conclusion?

“This too shall pass.”

Sólheimasandur. All photos taken by me.

“For every wreck I still believe in the greatest life and the stickiest leaves” — Sticky Leaves, Linying

PS: ‘Sticky Leaves’ made it to Spotify Viral 50 in the UK and US a while ago. Check it out.

