Seven Points You Need to Know About Climate Change

Joseph Nightingale
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Published in
12 min readNov 2, 2019


Obligatory photo of a polar bear on melting ice

Climate change is coming to dominate the debate; it’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue. People talk. Be it extreme weather events or activist groups such as Extinction Rebellion (who took to the streets in the act of “civil disobedience”), the once distant and far off vision — the one that was supposed to affect our grandkids — is coming for us.

Views are polarised, as with everything these days. One side predicts the apocalypse, seeming hysterical to much of the public, who accept climate change but are dubious of its severity. The other side denies anything is even wrong, or that it’s either natural or nothing to be worried about.

Too often do people throw their hands up in despair — “Oh, — I don’t know about all this, I’m not a climate scientist”. Even at the highest reaches of the debate, science is thin on the ground. No wonder the sceptics do good business. Climate scientists haven’t transferred their knowledge to the public in the same way that say doctors do. So, people are wary of climate disaster, but they’ll trust the doc who tells them, sadly, they have cancer.

Great speakers such as Stephen Schneider (who passed away in 2010) have left vacant positions. And so, we’ve concluded climate science is hard, too esoteric. That might be true at the fringes (the bleeding edge), but the basics are so…

