How to Use Multiple Monitors in VR with Bigscreen

(Without having to buy actual monitors)

Azad Balabanian
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2017


Finding space for multiple monitors on your desk can be tricky. Getting desk mounts, mounting plates, and spending a couple hundred on a nice, high-res monitors can easily get expensive. The benefits of dual displays have been widely reported and talked about, so it’s most definitely worth exploring.

Using Bigscreen on a HTC Vive/Oculus Rift, you can do way more with multiple monitors without even having to buy physical screens!

Option 1: Buy display emulators “Headless Ghosts” [$10–$20]

There are a few ways to trick your PC into creating multiple screens. The simplest option would be to get a Display Emulator.

4K Displayport Desktop Emulator

Amazon link: 4K Displayport Desktop Emulator (recommended) or 4K HDMI Desktop Emulator

They range from $10–$20, which is affordable enough to convince yourself to buy a few.

Note: If you’re using an HTC Vive/Oculus Rift with an Nvidia GPU, you most likely have 1 HDMI port which is already in use by the VR headset. This is why I’d recommend buying a Displayport version emulator instead of HDMI.

Option 2: Connect your monitor with multiple display cables (HDMI + Displayport + DVI)

This option works for monitors with multiple input types. Connecting your monitor to your PC using an HDMI, VGA, and Displayport cables can create up to three monitors!

It could be a cheaper alternative than buying display emulators if your monitor (and GPU) supports it.

Option 3: Using software emulations (ie: Spacedesk)

If neither the first two hardware options work for your configuration, using software like Spacedesk is an alternative. However, it is a slightly more lengthy process to set up.

Follow this step-by-step guide on how to install and configure the Spacedesk properly for Bigscreen.

Helpful tips

Moving windows between monitors

Sometimes, when you’re casting a movie on the big screen and you really want to use another app on your 2nd monitor, opening up a new window will most likely appear in front of the movie that everyone is watching.

The quickest way to move a monitor off a monitor is by pressing Windows key +SHIFT + Arrow key.

However, you can also grab windows and monitors in Bigscreen with your Touch/Vive controllers and move them that way as well.

Dragging windows from one monitor to the another

Monitor resolutions

If your 2nd monitor is 4K, I’d recommend scaling by 200% to make the text more legible, and the UI useable. Current VR headset resolutions make it hard to use monitors with tiny texts.

Note: In Bigscreen multiplayer rooms, only your primary monitor is displayed to other users.

Choose the highest resolution

Show/Hide monitors in Bigscreen

Sometimes, having too many monitors can get in the way. You can choose to hide any of your displays by going to Tablet > Customize your screen > Monitor 2 > “hide this monitor”.


Join the Bigscreen Community chat server on Discord. It’s a great forum to provide feedback, report bugs, chat with devs, and participate in events we host.

Bigscreen Beta is free on Steam & Oculus

Download Bigscreen Beta for free on the Oculus Store or Steam!

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Azad Balabanian

Photogrammetry, Host of the ResearchVR Podcast @researchvrcast