Sign up for Bigscreen Alpha Testing on the Samsung Gear VR

Darshan Shankar
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2018

We’re excited to announce that Bigscreen is coming to mobile VR headsets in Q2 2018. Soon, users with mobile VR headsets can watch movies, browse the web, and chat with friends in Bigscreen. It’s free and cross-platform, allowing PC VR and mobile VR users to hangout together.

Today, we’re starting Alpha Testing on the Samsung Gear VR. If you own a Gear VR headset, please sign up and help us test an early build of Bigscreen.

What features will Bigscreen have on Mobile VR headsets?

We will have more details when Bigscreen’s Mobile VR applications launch publicly in Q2 2018.

Bigscreen will have singleplayer and multiplayer features on Mobile VR headsets, but we are first launching the multiplayer features. Multiplayer features allow users to hangout in cross-platform social VR environments with other mobile VR and PC VR users. Singleplayer features will launch later in Q2 2018, and will include a video player, 3D painting tools, PC-to-Mobile desktop streaming, and more. Here are the four main features:

  1. Public & private rooms are supported, with 4–12 players per room. Mobile VR users can join rooms to watch videos and hangout together. Mobile VR users will eventually be able to create their own multiplayer rooms, but not during the Alpha Test.
  2. Mobile VR users will also be able to attend our live movie screenings, like our Paramount Pictures’ Top Gun 3D VR movie night and our Stargate movie night with MGM.
  3. The video player will allow you to watch videos stored locally on your device. We plan to eventually support various streaming services within our video player as well.
  4. PC-to-Mobile desktop streaming allows you to stream your Windows PC’s desktop screen into your Mobile VR headset over WiFi without the need to be tethered to your PC. This allows you to sit on your couch, pull up a movie or videogame on your PC, and see it on a huge screen in your headset.

What can I do in the Bigscreen Alpha Test?

This Alpha Test is primarily focused on testing Bigscreen’s multiplayer features. Just during the Alpha Test, only PC VR users can create rooms. Mobile VR users will be able to join public or private rooms created by PC VR users (cross-platform). Singleplayer features are disabled in Alpha Testing. Help us stress test the app on your Samsung GearVR and please report performance issues or bugs.

Will Bigscreen be coming to other mobile VR headsets?

Yes! In the coming months, we plan to bring Bigscreen to several mobile VR headsets including Oculus Go and Google Daydream.

We are starting the Alpha Test first on the Samsung GearVR. If you own a Google Daydream or plan to get an Oculus Go, sign up for the Alpha now and we’ll contact you when a build is ready for testing.

Sign up for the Alpha Test on Samsung GearVR

Please enter the email address of your Oculus account, Google Play account, or Vive account to join the Alpha Test.

Sign up here.

