Upcoming sessions: Vocal presence, persuasion, and identify your work style

Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2018

Three free hosted sessions coming up at General Assembly SF


Communication skills: Learn to sharpen your vocal presence

with Lauri Smith

Is your voice enhancing or limiting your impact? That’s a question you may never have asked yourself before — And it’s one of the most vital questions everyone must ask. Your vocal presence may be the bottleneck that prevents you from achieving your goals and creating the life you desire.

One of our most powerful tools as change-makers, entrepreneurs and leaders is the resonance of our voices. In fact, our vocal presence is our primary instrument for navigating the world.

And yet, aside from professionally trained actors, there is very little training out there related to the voice — until now. During this highly interactive workshop Lauri Smith will show you how unleash your innate, unique charisma in order to enroll others in your cause and maximize your impact.

Register here


Communication skills: How to be persuasive and influential

with Christy Abele

During this highly interactive session, you’ll learn to be more connected, articulate, and persuasive during high stakes communications moments. The goal of the session is for you to walk away from those high stakes moments feeling confident, feeling like the best version of yourself, and feeling that you did everything in that moment to be as persuasive and influential as possible.

Register here


Teamwork Labs: Identify your work style

with Ted Riter

Do you delight in planning and taking action? Do you revel in facts and data? Do you crave new ideas and experiences? Do you feel more complete when you are around others?

Find out more about yourself and your work style by participating in this interactive session. Personality Poker® is an engaging way to give you insight into your work style and blind spots.

Created by Stephen Shapiro, more than 100,000 people in Fortune 500 companies in 29 countries around the world have played Personality Poker® to drive innovation and high-performing teams. Ted Riter is authorized to lead Personality Poker® sessions. Ted will lead a fun group exercise that helps you identify your work style, provides insight into how others view you, and helps you identify who you should partner with at work.

During the session you will learn how you contribute to innovation, how you detract from innovation and who you should partner with to maximize your contributions at work. You will gain increased self-awareness and insight that will help guide your ongoing career development.

Register here




Startups, Product Management, technology. Huge fan of functional democracy.