Write with us.

Beloved Community
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2021

Step 1 — Create your own account on Medium.

Step 2 — ONE TIME ONLY — Email us your Medium handle, i.e. the name you choose or Medium assigns to you.

Email it to editors@europeanbildung.net

Step 3 — We will add you as a writer for Bildung.

Step 4 — Write an article.

Step 5 — Submit your article for publication with us at Bildung (don’t publish it on your own account!!!).

Click NOT on the green Publish button but on the three dots between the button and your picture, then click Add to publication:

Click Add to publication

Then choose Bildung as the place where you would like to publish:

Click Select and continue

When we receive your article, one of our editors will read it and give you feedback; if it is ready for publication on Bildung, we will just proofread it and let you know when we put it online.

Please proofread your own text before you submit it and make sure that you do not use any copyrighted material such as pictures that we are not allowed to publish.

After the first time setup, you ONLY need to do Step 4 & 5 — write and then submit your article for publication. The first 3 steps were only for initial setup

Step 6 — Crack open a bottle of Champagne!




Published in Bildung

Bildung is the combination of the education and knowledge necessary to thrive in your society, and the moral and emotional maturity to both be a team player and have personal autonomy. Bildung is also knowing your roots and being able to imagine the future.

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