Heritage & History— and bildung

Lene Rachel Andersen
Published in
Jul 4, 2021

Heritage and history allow us to navigate the world. We need to know where we are coming from in order to extrapolate between past and present, and create an informed vision for the future.

Heritage is one’s personal lineage back into history. It is where I and my family are coming from, and it is the norms and expectations that I carry with me. It is also the symbolic world, the moral values, and the culture that have shaped my relatives and me.

History is our shared endeavor as communities, societies, countries, and as a species. It is the big patterns in the cultural and societal evolution and it contains politics, science, philosophy, wars, art, and much more.

Heritage and history are intertwined, that is why we have combined them on this bildung blog: https://medium.com/bildung.



Lene Rachel Andersen
Editor for

Economist, futurist, author, full member of the Club of Rome. Works at Next Scandinavia, Nordic Bildung & European Bildung Network. www.lenerachelandersen.com