Nordic Bildung and Pedagogics

Better learning without goals

Lene Rachel Andersen
Published in
Jan 18, 2024


It is January, which means that LearningPlanet Alliance is hosting the LearningPlanet Festival from the 24th to the 27th.

Nordic Bildung will contribute again, this time with a workshop about how setting goals may ruin education. Particularly if they are the wrong goals, but maybe goals in general.

Education in the Nordic countries has been characterized by very open-ended education and almost no tests, yet people in the Nordics seem to be able to both read and write and know about the world.

You can read more about our workshop and sign up free of charge here:

And you can watch a video about the Nordics and education without goals here:

You’ll find the LearningPlanet Festival Here:




Published in Bildung

Bildung is the combination of the education and knowledge necessary to thrive in your society, and the moral and emotional maturity to both be a team player and have personal autonomy. Bildung is also knowing your roots and being able to imagine the future.

Lene Rachel Andersen
Lene Rachel Andersen

Written by Lene Rachel Andersen

Economist, futurist, author, full member of the Club of Rome. Works at Next Scandinavia, Nordic Bildung & European Bildung Network.

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