26 resources to learn coding online
Having a multi varied skill set will always look good in a resume. But what about a life outside of one? Coding in the near future will come a necessary skill one should possess. It will ensure the survival in a future society where all of the upcoming generations are imparted with coding skills. From carrying out day to day activities to building robots and self driving cars, coding will have a multitude of areas it can have its effects on.
It is never too late to learn coding. Here are the best resources I found online for learning coding.
1. Code Academy
2. Code School
3. Treehouse
4. Khan Academy
5. edX
6. Coursera
7. Udacity
8. CodeHS
9. Sololearn
10. Code Avengers
11. Rubymonk
12. Egghead
13. freeCodeCamp
14. Google CS First
15. Code.org
16. Codewars
17. Marksheet
18. Dash by General Assembly
19. The Odin Project
20. MIT Open Courseware
21. Javascript.com
22. HTML Dog
Youtube Channels
1. Coder’s Guide
2. DevTips
3. Learncodeacademy
4. theNewBoston
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